So I headed down to the premiere and it was DEAD. Just a handful of us ended up showing up and it was nice. Low key is always my favorite. The set up looked pretty easy but I had heard horror stories about the League cast.
First up was Stephen Rannazzisi from the League and low and behold, he was actually pretty cool. He came over and started off our three cast shots.
Paul Sheer, from the League, followed next and came over and signed. In my experience Paul is always very nice. Tonight was no different.
Kaitlin Olson was next up and was probably the friendliest out of everyone. She signed and interacted with us like she genuinely was happy to be signing.
Nick Kroll from the League was up next. I've heard he's not very friendly at all but this time he came over. Albeit, he did take an underhand swipe at everyone with a comment. A friend of mine quickly commented back putting Nick in his place and Nick looked like a deer in headlights. Nick's mood quickly changed and he was friendly from that point on.
After came Glen Howerton from IAS (It's Always Sunny, let's simplify things) and he was very nice. Added him to three IAS cast items. While Glen was signing, Rob McElhenney came over and signed as well.
From this point, the remaining cast members of the League decided to completely ignore us. Mind you, there was no obstacles in their way and time was on our side. They just did not want to sign. Thankfully, Charlie Day, who I was actually excited to see, didn't feel the same. Charlie came over and smiled and signed and was friendly. Since Danny Devito didn't show up, this was the highlight of my night.
Once arrivals were over I decided to pack it in. Sure, I could have stuck around and maybe finished the League cast shots but who knew if that would even happen! I was more than content with what I left with.
Passing through the theater to get to my car, I spotted Isla Fisher & Sasha Baron Cohen going into a movie. Isla stopped and took a picture. I asked Sasha and he explained he doesn't like to take pictures out of character but he shook my hand and was very friendly. Pleasant little surprise.
- Ant E