Saturday, December 15, 2012

Our encounter with Matt Damon

Went for Matt Damon the other day with one goal in mind...get my Rounders poster signed in silver with a quote. See, Matt is one of the nicest celebrities there is. He's almost a lock to take the time to come over but with that knowledge, hoards of people go out for him. It's a flurry of photos and it's usually a situation where whatever color he gets in his hand to begin with...that's what he'll end with.

I figured this was my best case scenario to get what I wanted being as he had been out for a week and everyone had been going for him quite often. My gut instinct was right. This time it was a little mellower. I was not only able to get my poster done with the quote "I feel like Buckner walking back into Shea" in silver but also a picture from Rounders for my friend for his birthday as well as everything else we brought. Pretty productive little morning.

Matt Damon signing autographs for Ant E & Ed

Matt Damon signing autographs for Ant E & Ed

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

Autographed by Matt Damon

- Ant E

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