Sunday, April 28, 2013

42 Premiere: Harrison Ford SIGNS!!

Every opportunity that arises to go for Harrison Ford, we usually find ourselves saying “he probably wont sign there.”  Don’t get us wrong, Harrison does sign but he’s about what you’d expect – a bit of a grump.  That being said, his premiere’s are usually the last place he signs so we didn’t really expect much heading to the “42” premiere on Tuesday.  Still for a legend like Harrison Ford, we’ve got to try.
Arrivals for the premiere started pretty slowly, with a few celebrities who weren’t in the movie showing up; Kim Raver, Alyssa Milano and Naya Rivera among them.  Nobody was prepared to see any of these ladies so no autographs were signed from them at this moment.  After about twenty minutes into the arrivals, we finally seeing cast members from the film show up  

We were happy to see Alan Tudyk of “Firefly” fame show up and pick up a pen, mainly because we’re huge “Wreck it Ralph” fans.  Alan played King Candy in that film… Great voice artist and actor!

Alan Tudyk signed 11x14

Christopher Meloni from Law and Order SVU is also a cast member in 42 and ran right over to sign a few items.

Christopher Meloni signing our 11x14
Other cast members including Lucas Black,  TR Knight, Andrew Holland,  John C. McGinley arrived but weren’t interested in signing at that time.  Ryan Merriman did come over and sign a handful of items.

Finally the moment arrived that Mr. Indiana Jones himself showed up.  Arm and arm with Calistia Flockhart, Harrison immediately took to the red carpet for press photography.  After a moment, he turned to acknowledge the crowd screaming for him, pointed to his watch, and said he was late.  About twenty seconds later, he changed his mind and actually came over and began signing!

Ford signing our 11x14

In all the years we’ve seen Harrison Ford, at charity events, premieres and screenings, we’ve never him walk over to a crowd this size and begin signing.  The sea of never ending photos began as Harrison did his best to sign one each for as many people as he could get to.   If you tried for multiples and Harrison caught you, even at 70 years old he’d remember your face.   Still, we were able to have a very successful night with Harrison, getting multiple items signed!  




12x18 signed by Harrison Ford (Ed ran out of items and had this on him!) and Chadwick Boseman, who signed later during press for the movie.

Finally, Chadwick Boseman showed up – a guy who has 19 IMDB credits, mostly all television guest star stints.  Chadwick could not be bothered to sign for the group and got booed.  We’re used to newly crowned celebrities starting off very nice and turning to the “dark side” rather quickly, but this guy seems sour from the get go… Just not interested in signing autographs.

Even with as little as we got signed, any night that we walk away with multiple Harrison Ford’s is a great night for us!   Until next time….

Inspector Jesse

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