Saturday, June 15, 2013

Free Giveaway + Some of our Favorite Items & Why they are.

This weekend we are starting the online contest where you can post your favorite item from your collection to our Facebook wall.  We will then pick a few of the items (based on how many total entrees) and draw from those names to select someone to win this Alexander Skaarsgard signed 8x10.  We are fans of this stuff just as much as you guys and wanted to post a few of our personal favorite items and give a little blurb as to why they...

Oh, Henry! Two thumbs up for Man of Steel's Superman, Henry Cavill!

It's not everyday you get a chance at something low key.  So when you do get a chance at something potentially somewhat exclusive you have to jump at it.  Last Saturday that opportunity arose for us.  We were told Henry Cavill would be intro'ing the Man of Steel movie at a movie theater in the middle of nowhere for people from Edwards Air Force base. So jump we did!It was a long drive and hot as all hell but when we arrived there...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Brad Pitt makes our day! Video, Autographs & Photo Ops!

It's not everyday you get a chance to see Brad Pitt.  He's one of the biggest names in Hollywood and aside from a red carpet premiere you don't get many chances to get close to him.  When we heard there was a chance Brad would be making a pit stop in Los Angeles on his mini tour of the U.S. intro'ing his latest film, World War Z, we had to roll the dice and see if we would get lucky! Not only did we get lucky, but I think it's safe to...